BC: Before Cake (A Two Part Blog Post)

There’s just something about cake.  Birthday cake in particular.  A feeling of excitement, not only for the taste of it, but also for what it represents–parties, presents, running around like crazy with all the other kids and drinking pop (which your parents only allow on special occasions).  Birthday cake means P-A-R-T-Y.  But more on that later.



I had the privilege of taking pictures of this sweet family when their little girl was only a few months old.  Here we were celebrating her 1st birthday (Oh, did I say birthday?  That means cake, right?  Yes, but not yet…soon!)



This sweet little birthday girl had the brightest pink flower in her hair.  She looked like a perfect 1 year old!



In typical 1 year old fashion, she was very interested in her book–more so than in taking pictures (how boring!) but by looking at her book, she gave us a sneak peek at those gorgeous eyelashes (I swear, she’ll never need mascara when she’s all grown up).



Her daddy was so incredibly sweet with her (as all daddies are), but this daddy was particularly doting on his little girl and it just came right through my camera and into the pictures…



Her mommy brought a couple helium filled balloons to the park with us (what a great idea!) and we were able to get some cute shots of her holding the balloon.  Mommy is smart, creative, AND stylish–everything was perfectly color coordinated.



So balloons mean parties, aaaaannnnnnnndddd parties mean cake, sooooooooo where’s the cake?  That my friends, is in part two of this blog: AC: After Cake.  Just you wait…O…M…G…….Cake (and presents, and a cupcake, AND a cat!) is coming in the next entry, Part 2.

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